The Stray Affairs

Every week we go about feeding the strays in one of Singapore's industrial estates. Currently we are focused on just one area, but we are constantly expanding as the stray population starts increasing. 

Check out the dogs and cats we have available for adoption and/or fostering. These animals were rescued by us from our feeding sites.

Read about kind migrant workers who take the time and effort to care for the stray dogs and cats living in their factories and the surrounding area.

Find out more about how you can join us to help feed and care for the strays! 

We rely on donors to ensure our feedings perform smoothly. We require Cooked Food for our Weekly Stray Feeding, Kibbles / Canned food for our strays, Monetary donations to cover food and medical expenses.

Our partners that make our operations and rescue work possible.

Check out media coverage and publications on our group's affairs.

Keep up to date with our latest affairs or get in touch with us through email or our social media!